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Англо-украинский юридический словарь - cause


Перевод с английского языка cause на украинский


1) причина, мотив, спонука, підстава (чогось); судова справа; судовий процес

2) розпоряджатися, віддавати розпорядження; веліти, примушувати; завдавати, спричиняти

cause death by dangerous driving — заподіювати смерть небезпечним водінням

cause the death of by criminal means — = cause the death of a person by criminal means спричинити смерть злочинним способом (особі)

cause the death of a person by criminal means — = cause the death of by criminal means

cause a child to begcause a dangercause a losscause a paniccause a physical injurycause a scandalcause an accidentcause an explosioncause and effectcause before the High Courtcause bookcause-bookscause celebrecause collectivelycause concerncause damagecause deathcause death accidentallycause destructioncause disturbancecause disturbancescause-effect relationcause firecause for divorcecause grievous bodily harmcause in lawcause inconveniencecause international scandalcause intoxicationcause listcause of accidentcause of accusationcause of actioncause-of-action estoppelcause of arrestcause of cancellationcause of chargecause of crimecause of damagecause of deathcause of discontentcause of divorcecause of justicecause of losscause of offencecause of offensecause offencecause offensecause people's deathscause smth. to be donecause suspicioncause to be donecause trouble

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